Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pacifier tree

Today I went to Skansen with my sister and her three boys. Skansen is an outdoor museum and a zoological park and is a great place to spend a day. All the beautiful old houses at Skansen deserve a post of their own and I will return to that later. Anyway... The garlands above are not Hawaian-style flower decorations but made from pacifiers. Here, when children are old enough to loose their pacifiers, they are asked to hang them in this tree so they can be donated to the baby animals at Skansen. I participated in this ceremony last February when it was time for Filip, my sister's four year old, to part with his soother. We were so proud to see this sad but determined little man give up his first addiction.


Fine Little Day said...


Chun Har said...

Found a pacifier tree in Copenhagen (Fredericksberg Have) as well :)

Best Poker Rooms said...

Easier on turns!